Thursday, May 27, 2010


News Update:

No school because of 80 hours of rain is awesome, but after a while, we're all getting a little damp and moldy. This is true; everything we have is damp and our belts and shoes are even moldy. Gross. I'm ready for the sun to come out even if that means going back to school. However, it seems as though it will rain for a few more days before we see the sun.

As I stood in the Kitchen yesterday morning pouring my coffee, I felt the ground tremble. It was only for a few seconds, but I knew that it wasn't my imagination because all the dishes started rattling and the trees above us dumped a wave of water onto our cabin. My heart thumping so hard, I ran into our room to see if Mitch felt it, and he had no idea what I was talking about. He heard the water pour from the trees, but he didn't know why. It was an earthquake! No worries, we're all okay. :)

We're moving! One of the families that has their kids in my school owns some cabins, and they're giving us a really good deal on one. We will have to move out from underneath the monkeys, but we will have an ocean-view from our porch. Plus we get our own kitchen, a toaster (Mitch can make cookies!), a microwave, proper kitchen utensils, and a ceiling fan! All of these things are a big move up for us.

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