One of my favorite things to do in the morning, for several years, has been making coffee. I love everything about it. I love grinding the beans (when I can), scooping the grounds into the maker, listening to it brew, picking out my favorite mug, pouring the coffee, and sitting in peace to drink my coffee. This is a ritual that I look forward to doing every morning.

The process here is a bit more intimate. Our kitchen is just a screened-in porch with bats living on the back screen, and it's pretty scarce of electric appliances. So in order to make coffee, we boil the water and pour it through a strainer (which is a rigged-up sock and hanger).

It's delicious and peaceful just like I can make at home, but I have to say this is the first place I've ever had coffee with monkeys and iguanas!
I miss our coffee days. Trying to pick a kind to try at HEB, buying the grinder, experimenting with cappuccinos!