Monday, April 15, 2013

a fig

Mitch and I learned that I am pregnant a couple of months ago. We immediately found an app for our phone that gives us a little update each day on what our baby is up to. This week (week 11), he is the size of a fig! (We switch between he and she to avoid calling baby an it.)It's amazing to think about the life that I'm carrying inside of me. I haven't been sick (other than a little gaggy every once in a while), and so far I haven't noticed any real physical change to my body (other than a few people telling me that I'm "glowing" and a few pairs of pants that won't button anymore). How is a baby growing inside of me, and I don't feel a thing!!?? Of course I'm flooded with emotions - love, joy, pride (look what we made!), excitement. I wouldn't say that I'm "flooded" with fear - I have thought long and hard about the process of giving birth to a human, and while it does sound a little scary, I'm also a little excited about the whole experience. (Those who have given birth already, please don't burst my bubble and tell my how painful it is...I've watched plenty of videos/documentaries, and I get the picture.) Mitch and I are stoked about the new life this little one will bring, and we daydream about what "parenting" is all about. We're totally proud parents already (all 18 of our ultrasound pictures are hanging on our fridge!), and we are totally in love with our baby already.